As stated on our ABOUT US page, this radio station isn't a commercial enterprise. It's simply the passion of my wife and me in terms of helping others who have sleep and/or relaxation difficulties attain better health through getting a good night's sleep. We started this enterprise due to our very own sleep difficulties. Apart from some listener donations we receive no funding whatsoever from anyone as we don't run this as a commercial enterprise. Regardless of this income, about 80% of our monthly expenditure comes from our personal money and as retirees, we outlay hundreds of dollars every month for ongoing equipment maintenance, web hosting, broadcast equipment, hosting costs and paying for music rights to bring you the music that we do. Sleep Radio is a not-for-profit station and we're volunteers. Please help us to help you in the battle against this dreadful condition called insomnia.
Apart from our annual funding appeal in late January and early February each year, you'll never hear advertising, annoying DJs, announcements or station IDs as it's our intention to help you get many hours of uninterrupted sleep. The last thing you'll need is someone blabbering on about their products or services while you're trying to get some shut-eye!
Donations of any amount at any time and no matter how small are greatly appreciated to keep us on air. Please help us to help you.
Many thanks and regards
John Watson

Please note that donations made are in $US